
Prediction: RB Leipzig vs Borussia Dortmund

On day 33 of the Bundesliga we will see a great duel at the top of the table. This Saturday, we will enjoy the match between RB Leipzig vs Borussia Dortmund. Both opt for the second place in the Bundesliga that Dortmund occupies with a 3-point advantage over Leipzig. You can read this in

The teams played 7 games until today and it will be hard to predict the exact outcome considering their skills. On average, in each game, there were 3 scored goals. The history of matches between the two teams is mixed, so it is always hard to tell what will happen here. In general, the best way to determine who has the best chances would be to study their form.

Statistic of the match

In the last 6 matches, Borussia Dortmund has 14 goals, scoring 2.33 per game. They won 5 times and lost once. If we look at their overall matches stats, from 54 matches played, they had 140 goals. With only 10 losses and 36 victories, they can brag about their good form. Besides that, they had 8 matches ending in draws.

RB Leipzig is very close to Dortmund’s form if we consider their last 6 matches. They had 15 goals, which is about 2.50 per game, 3 victories, 3 draws and no losses. Considering their overall performance, they had 113 goals from 49 matches which is around 2.31 per game. They had 27 victories, 14 draws and 8 losses.

From matches they palyed against each other, RB Leipzig has won 2 direct matches and Borussia Dortmund won 3 and 2 matches ended in a draw. RasenBallsport Leipzig has scored over 1.5 goals in 26 matches played at home. In 17 matches they played at home, they scored over 2.5 goals in total.

Borussia Dortmund scored over 1.5 goals in 26 matches they played away. From 20 matches they played away, the total number of goals was over 2.5. Best scorers for Borussia are Jadon Sancho, Erling Haaland and Marco Reus. For RB Leipzig, the top scorers are Timo Werner, Patrick Schick and Marcel Sabitzer.


What is the prediction?

Considering the form of both teams and their overall scores, both teams have pretty good odds for victory. RB Leipzig has an advantage of home ground but the problem is that Borussia has a very good performance away as well. Borussia is one place above the RB Leipzig on the Bundesliga table log, while Bayern Munich is taking the first spot.

The difference between points isn’t so big as both are very skilled and professional. For that reason, the draw is the most probable outcome of this match. The home team will have some advantage, so RB Leipzig could also have good odds as well. In the last match of Bundesliga, RB Leipzig tied against Dusseldorf while Borussia Dortmund lost against Mainz 05. Both teams are very professional and it is hard to know the exact outcome, so this is a perfect chance to use the double bet chance as well.


Match: RB Leipzig vs Borussia Dortmund

Bet: draw

Video streaming: Moira Club

Odds: 3.9 (+290)