
PREDICTIONS Slutsk vs Energetik BGU

If you are one of those who follow the Belarusian Football League, you will surely be interested in the predictions on our site. It is necessary to check the statistics so you can profit as much as possible in the end. To start with the match Slutsk vs Energetik BGU.

The first thing to do is to study compare odds and see who has the highest chance of winning the match. Once you find out who has had more wins so far and been more successful with each other, you will be close to making a big profit.

Which event

The eighth round of the Belarus Premier League is scheduled for this week, where FC Slutsk will play against Energetik BGU Minsk. The match will be played on the 8th of May 2020 at Stadyen Haradski Stadium. After the first seven rounds played, Slutsk is first with 16 points. Energetik BGU is in fourth place with 12 points.

Currently, Slutsk is in the lead, but regardless of the current situation on the table, both teams will need to put a lot of effort into the best possible result.

Statistics for the match:

Before betting, it is best to first check the statistics for both clubs. If you look at the statistics for the last few games you will see that FC Slutsk has won in 8 games. They lost only one game and had one draw against Vitebsk.

The average number of goals scored per game is 2.1 They usually receive 1 goal per game. The number of clean matches is 2. Over 2.5 goals in 7 games, and under 2.5 in 3 matches. Time without conceded goals is about 4 minutes.

On the other hand, the data for the Energetik football club are different. Considering the results for the matches played in the 2020 season, they had 2 wins, 2 losses, and no draw. Or win – 2/40%, draw – 0/0%, lost – 3/60%.

On average, BGU scores 1 goal per game and receives 1.17 goals. 17% of matches end with both teams scoring while the average number of goals per game is 2.17.

The number of clean matches is 3. Over 2.5 goals in 5 games, and under 2.5 in 5 matches. Time without conceded any goal is 98 minutes. FC Slutsk has an 80% chance of scoring in the next game, while BGU has a 70% chance.

What is the Prediction?

If you want to make a lot of money with the help of betting, on Scannerbet you can find the best odds. Before you place a bet, use our comparator.

Based on statistics for both clubs, there are several different betting options. Our main recommendation will be that both teams can score at least one goal. And that they will eventually score more than 2.5 goals.

There are several bookmakers on our comparator, but only 1XBET has declared +740 to be over 2.5. goals. When it comes to both teams to score on Scannerbet only 1XBET mentions a +455 chance that both teams will score. Or -714 that both teams won’t score.

For the eventual winner, 1XBET highlighted Slutsk with +178 and +354 for Energetik. At Codere, it is -125 for Slutsk and +225 for Energetik. But the final decision depends on you. It will be best not to invest too much money to secure yourself for all options. Play responsibly and keep track of all the changes.


Match: FC Slutsk vs Energetik BGU

Bookmaker: 1xbet

Finally, before you place your bet, compare the odds on our site. If you want to take advantage of the highest odds don’t forget to compare it!