
Prediction Vitebsk vs Shakhtyor Soligorsk

At this moment, we can see only a couple of leagues running. There are many football fans in quarantine. This is the ideal time to start learning about some new leagues and competitions. If you want to know something about Belarus Premier League, you are in the right place. If you are enjoying in the betting, follow our prediction.

Before you start to bet, you should analyze our prediction, and compare odds for your bets. This will help you a lot to win more from your bets, and we all know that this is the main goal for everyone in the betting world.

Which event?

This week you can enjoy the match of eight-round between Vitebsk and Shakhtyor Soligorsk in the Belarus Premier League. In this match, both teams will be looking for a victory, because the difference between these two clubs is only one point. This match will be played on May 10, 2020, at 08:00.

As we mentioned already, both teams will be looking for a victory in this match, because they want to move on a better position. Especially Shakhtyor Soligorsk who has a chance to move in the top three teams with this victory.

Statistics for the match:

Let’s take a look at the statistic! We can see that Shakhtyor Soligorsk has three victories in the last five games and only one defeat. While Vitebsk has three losses in the last five games with only one victory.

Those two teams played 27 times, but in this situation, the statistic is on the side of Shakhtyor Soligorsk. They won 19 times, while Vitebsk won only 4 times. Based on the current standings, the bookmaker is on the side of Shakhtyor Soligorsk. But still, we can be sure that they will win, because Vitebsk will have a motivation to move on a better position.

What is the Prediction?

Looking at the statistic, we can see that bookmakers are offering different options. We can see that there is a better chance that both teams will not score in this game and that there will be less than 1.5 goals in this game.

In our betting comparator, you can see different bookmaker, with different betting odds. The best betting odds on the winner of the match is offering Betsson. On the victory of Shakhtyor Soligorsk, they are offering odds of + 152 (2.52), while for the victory of the Vitebsk these odds are + 435 (5.35).

This can be a risky bet, but you will need to decide on with the team you want to bet. But, all that time have in mind to play responsibly.


Match: Vitebsk vs Shakhtyor Soligorsk

Bet: Winner + 152 (2.52) / + 435 (5.35)

Bookmaker: Betsson

Before every bet, have in mind to compare odds. In the betting world, this is one of the most important things. Sometimes a small difference can bring more money from your bets. If you want to win more money, don’t forget to use our odds comparison. Win more money from your bets!